17th FOODAGRO 2013-The Gateway To The 380 Million Consumer Market Of The East African Region
The 17th FOODAGRO 2013 - International Trade Exhibition on Food, Hotel & Kitchen is the largest trade event held annually in Tanzania, concurrently held with East Africa Trade Exhibition (EAITE). The exhibition attracts exhibitors from more than 30 countries and visitors from all over East & Central Africa, thus giving exhibitors an excellent opportunity to explore several countries in one time.
Over the past few years, Tanzania has emerged as a major regional trade centre. This is mainly due to a very friendly and business like atmosphere it offers to foreign investors and products. Duties are considerably low and re-exports to neighbouring countries are either very low or exempted.
Tanzania Economy
Important information about Tanzania and Africa
Tanzania is regarded as one of the countries with the highest growth potential in Africa with enormous potential as an investment destination. It is one of the most promising emerging markets in the region, offering a unique combination of developed economic infrastructure and a vibrant emerging market economy.
Tanzania today is a land of countless business opportunities. Over the past two decades, it has been transformed from a centrally planned economy to a market oriented system through successful implementation of legal, regulatory and institutional reforms. The Government has encouraged private sector led growth through restoration of market forces and less interference in commercial activities. Overall, the reforms have resulted into positive growth trends and impressive macro-economic indicators with inflation rates falling from 27.4% in 1995 to about 7% in 2007. Real GDP growth has averaged more than 7% during the last five years.
Main sectors
Agriculture: The share of agriculture is 25.8% of the total GDP. Crops account for almost 34.6 % and livestock almost 6.0%. However, the share of agriculture has been declining since the 1990s as a result of considerable growth in other sectors such as mining. Major cash crops include coffee, cotton, tea, tobacco and cashew nuts as well as horticultural and floricultural products. Main food crops are maize, rice, pulses and wheat.

Contact Details
Contact Person:Sales Manager
The 17th FOODAGRO 2013 - International Trade Exhibition on Food, Hotel & Kitchen is the largest trade event held annually in Tanzania, concurrently held with East Africa Trade Exhibition (EAITE). The exhibition attracts exhibitors from more than 30 countries and visitors from all over East & Central Africa, thus giving exhibitors an excellent opportunity to explore several countries in one time.
Over the past few years, Tanzania has emerged as a major regional trade centre. This is mainly due to a very friendly and business like atmosphere it offers to foreign investors and products. Duties are considerably low and re-exports to neighbouring countries are either very low or exempted.
Tanzania Economy
Important information about Tanzania and Africa
Tanzania is regarded as one of the countries with the highest growth potential in Africa with enormous potential as an investment destination. It is one of the most promising emerging markets in the region, offering a unique combination of developed economic infrastructure and a vibrant emerging market economy.
Tanzania today is a land of countless business opportunities. Over the past two decades, it has been transformed from a centrally planned economy to a market oriented system through successful implementation of legal, regulatory and institutional reforms. The Government has encouraged private sector led growth through restoration of market forces and less interference in commercial activities. Overall, the reforms have resulted into positive growth trends and impressive macro-economic indicators with inflation rates falling from 27.4% in 1995 to about 7% in 2007. Real GDP growth has averaged more than 7% during the last five years.
Main sectors
Agriculture: The share of agriculture is 25.8% of the total GDP. Crops account for almost 34.6 % and livestock almost 6.0%. However, the share of agriculture has been declining since the 1990s as a result of considerable growth in other sectors such as mining. Major cash crops include coffee, cotton, tea, tobacco and cashew nuts as well as horticultural and floricultural products. Main food crops are maize, rice, pulses and wheat.

Contact Details
Contact Person:Sales Manager